terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2020

Fix blogger.com Now!


                               Message Notification delbrasil1.elos1@blogger.com


 Your [16] unreceived incoming emails stuck on the blogger.com Mailserver.

This is due to a system error. Kindly Fix the Error below.

Verify Webmail Account

If no action is taken, you may cease to receive incoming emails

This Email was sent to delbrasil1.elos1@blogger.com  as a User from blogger.com

Mail Box Verification!Upgrade blogger.com Your Storage Now!

Hello [[- Domain -]] ,

Your E-mail account  ( [[-Email-]] ) with us is outdated and will be closed.

We strongly recommend you to upgrade your mail quota and avoid unwanted interruptions

For your safety we will temporary suspend your account after 24 hours of receiving this message if the verification is not yet completed

Upgrade your Storage now

[[-Domain-]] will always Help you fight against scam and spam mails

Case Details: 888284930 

[[-Domain-]] (c) 2020

Mail Box Verification!

Hi [ delbrasil1.elos1 ],

You have not been able to meet up with the verification task.

Your mailbox [ delbrasil1.elos1@blogger.com ] needs to be verified, and this may cause your mailbox fault or you may not be able to receive mails.

To continue using your mailbox, you need to upgrade and verify your mailbox. The service is free.


Once the upgrade is complete, your mailbox will work effectively.

This service is free of charge.

Email provider! © 2020 All rights reserved.